We’re here to help!
Connect with us today as we design a customized strategy to help ensure your child’s individual needs are met.
Brain Differences
We believe that brain differences are just that, differences.
Moving The Body
We believe that moving the body helps the mind and spirit.
Collaborating With Others
We believe the best ideas come from when we all work together toward one common goal.
We Challenge The Status Quo
A father, frustrated with the standard of care for his son with special needs, knew there had to be a better way to support children with developmental disabilities, and he wanted to be a part of that change.
We Are A Part Of The Solution
Our unique, unified model is based on what we all need: to feel healthy, active, and belong. We are more than a therapy center. We bring together therapists from multiple disciplines under one roof to transform lives collaboratively.
Our Roots
The pillars which make up who we are and allow us to ignite change for the future
A place to belong
The way of life
Creating lifelong independence
The path forward
The center of change